AT&T Fibermania, Part Duo

Remember where we left off? Should I pay the $600 just to get rid of the AT&T bill for service I never used? Well I didn’t. And then I did.

You see, when you don’t pay a bill – even one that AT&T says to ignore until they can fix it, AT&T turns off your real service you’re paying $900/month for – the second attempt working fiber. Bam! It happened on a Thursday afternoon. I though it was a service issue. I called AT&T. They said it was a service issue. I opened a ticket. I waited all night. Finally, I called again (maybe 4th time) and they said it wasn’t a service issue – that the working fiber was terminated due to non-payment – on the account for the fiber that was never used!


So, to get me up and running, I moved all my websites and email and other services to our Comcast service. And I paid the $600. What choice did I have? Any dispute would have taken months/years. This was a stickup and I put up my hands.

But, AT&T still shot me. With my hands up! Perhaps a bit dramatic, but after I paid the $600, the sent bills for late fees. They even sent a bill for reconnecting the working fiber AND the fiber I never used that was in dispute! Of course, they said they’d credit me, but meanwhile kept billing me for same. Finally, I paid them just to stop them and avoid terminating my working fiber again for non-payment of $35.

This is why small business will always exist and should never ever go away.

One comment

  1. Dominic

    Just wait until they have the gumption to use their new non-net neutrality powers. You’ll be charged for every service you use that fiber to provide 😛

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